Addiction to any chemical substance is a complex disorder that can become serious with time. It is characterized by a continuous and intensive craving for a particular substance in a compulsive manner. The best way to come out of the habit is by undergoing addiction treatment conducted by professionals.
The process of addiction generally starts with a person consuming drugs in small quantities or drinking alcohol to forget their worries and stress. Drugs and alcohol are highly addictive substances that make people start craving for them. As the habit gradually progresses, the individual grows dependent on these substances to the point where they cannot live without them. Narcotics also have harmful effects on the central nervous system of the body and prolonged used of these can even lead to the death of a person.
Addiction treatment helps the individual to stop the usage of drugs, overcome all desire to take drugs again and return to their families and the mainstream of society. The treatment programs offered by various rehabilitation centers aim at returning erstwhile addicted individuals to a life of productivity, happiness and normalcy. Addiction to any substance is both a chronic disease and a serious disorder. Addiction treatment, therefore, cannot be an easy or fast process. Addiction cannot be overcome overnight. The addict cannot be said to have come out of addiction simply if he or she has stopped using the substance for a few days. Most of the addicts need long-term care in order to achieve the ultimate goal of total recovery without chances of relapse.
The survey by SAMHSA's National reveals that 23.2 million individuals (9.4% of the population of the U.S) aged 12 years or more needed treatment for some kind of alcohol or drug abuse in the year 2007. Among these, 2.4 million or 10.4% got treatment at specialty wards. These specialty wards were meant for alcohol or drug rehabilitation at some mental health center or hospital. This indicates that all addicted individuals do not get proper treatment for addiction.
There are certain principles that one has to follow for the treatment to be successful. Research shows that proper treatment can stop the addict from using drugs, prevent relapse and successfully help them regain their normal lives. Research has shown the following principles to be true:
• Treatment for each individual is different.
• Time period of the treatment should be adequate.
• Individual counseling, group counseling and different behavioral therapies must be commonly used in substance abuse treatment.
• Medication should be an important part of addiction treatment.
• The individual should undergo continued assessment and changes as required must be made to the treatment plan.
Detoxification through medicines is an important process in the initial phase of treatment. This cleanses the body of the patient internally. But this, on its own, cannot cure the patient. Withdrawal symptoms will be present in the early stages of the treatment. Medication combined with therapy and counseling plays an important part in the recovery of the patient. Detoxification must be followed by other forms of treatment and therapy to ensure prevention of a relapse.
Motivation for the addict plays a vital role in addiction treatment. If the addict is not constantly motivated by the therapist, the patient may not progress properly. This motivation should come from the family and friends of the patient as well.
And now I invite you to learn more about a Drug Treatment Center. Please call one of our admission coordinators today for assistance. The number is 866-211-5538. Choosing to attend a Drug Treatment Centers recovery program it can be difficult choice to make because you need to figure out which of the programs best suits you and your needs. It really needs to be an individual substance abuse treatment program for it to be highly effective. Please visit and get you complimentary 26 page E-book on addiction and alcoholism today.